Oct 18, 2009

Pictures and impressions from the meeting in Poland

Finally the day of going to Poland came, and we, the pupils of 4. E and 3. F excitedly rode the train to Poland. The ride to Krakow took us a whole night, but luckily we were on the train where we could sleep. We had a really interesting time there. The first day we had presentations of all the countries in the Town Hall. We learned some new things about each other. The second day, we saw the centre of Cracow and the Wawel Castle. The beautiful wooden town of Zakopane covered with snow was especally impressive. The most interesting was the visit to Aushwitz. The last day of all the visits (which was also the saddest day, because we knew we're leaving soon), we visited really beautiful Wielicka salt mine. It was interesting being so deep underground. We had one more night to spend before leaving, because early in the morning the next day, we said goodbye to our Polish friends and started the trip back to Ljubljana.

by Sonja Črv

Oct 15, 2009

Oct 12, 2009

The first day in Krakow...

...was busy and rainy. Our posts are coming...

Sep 9, 2009

Apr 11, 2009

After the meeting

A DVD of the meeting has just been edited and produced. I will mail a couple of copies to you next week. I hope you will enjoy it. Until then take a look at some pictures here on our school Yearbook blog or here at the picture gallery on www.tioto.pbwiki.com.

Here is a word from the coordinator. Bye.

Mar 31, 2009

The meeting has started

We welcomed our friends from Lithuania, Latvia, Poland and Italy in our school on Monday. It was a wonderful gathering full of positive energy and exciting presentations. Everyone had a chance to contribute and to take his part in it. A Great Day. See more here.

Mar 3, 2009

Our second meeting is nearing

Hi there,
it's been a while since the last post. Meanwhile, we were very busy working hard on planning and organizing our second meeting. The preliminary program can be found here. You can also check other information about the project on the project web site.
There are more than 50 (fifty) people coming to Ljubljana the first week in April. We expect 10 people from Poland, 11 from Latvia, 11 from Italy and more than 25 from Lithuania, wow!
I hope we will all have great time in Slovenia. Welcome!

Jan 26, 2009

WIKI is just about ready

Our WIKI is just about to be launched. I would ask you to try to edit some general info on country's page and to check other pages, comment and add something to them. It's easy. Do not get scared! you do not have to be computer geek to do that. Just click EDIT, write something and SAVE. That's all. Check this video and have fun.

Jan 18, 2009


The WIKI colaborative web page is prepared. We just need to take some time to learn how to use it. I have prepared a few exercises for you to do. Just click here and you will be taken to the Home / Front page. Just follow the links and you will learn to edit the page easily. To watch a demo about WIKI click here . You can also watch this instructional video.
Have fun.